Bridge the gap between two cultures and empower Hindi Language Learners with quality education in Hindi. Hindi Language Program mission is to promote Hindi. HLP will act as a resource for our international students for learning Hindi.
Hindi Language Program (HLP) is taught by keeping in mind class-specific learning processes along with state-wide curricular expectations. HLP programs are designed with the idea that learning is a process. HLP focuses on empowering students to understand, speak, and write Hindi. To further children’s learning experience teachers will give timely feedback by formative assessment. There will be weekly, monthly and yearly assessments.
Listening and Speaking is a very important skill in the language learning process. In HLP we expect students to listen and then speak from their own viewpoints. As the student progresses in the HLP class, their ability to read books, articles, and signs becomes the main focus. Reading and understanding material and then expressing it in their own words through speech and writing is an expectation of our program.
Curricular expectations explicitly define what each child should know, and what can be achieved during their time in the class. These are not particularly assessed but achieved over the period of a particular stage. As learning continues, the student makes progress towards these long term targets. The learning outcomes are measured in assessments in accordance with the expected level of learning on the part of the student.
Learning indicators are supposed to provide evidence of learning and other signs of developmental changes taking place in a child's growth. These learning indicators can be used to mark certain goals in a child's learning at different stages. Learning indicators help teachers and students achieve both the curriculum expectations and the learning outcomes. Learning indicators have a broad range across the classes and stages and the aim is to learn in a spiral way not in a linear way.
The learning indicators establish a measure to help all stakeholders (students, teachers, and parents) in numerous ways:
HLP is an inclusive program which caters to all students with different learning abilities.
and learning should be in a comfortable environment where students can feel valued about themselves,
their surroundings and their desire to learn. However, if, even after repeated teaching and
learning, a child still struggles, then we have to address those needs by paying extra attention and
for that teachers have to be attentive to recognize the challenges in learning. For example, if a
child is constantly pronouncing the particular consonant च as छ, or writing च as ज, then the teacher
has to be alert and correct the mistake with repeated practice. Kids, with any disability for
example poor eyesight, who can't see properly need to be put in front and teachers need to be
mindful of his learning disability.
The Avant STAMP™ (STAndards-based Measurement of Proficiency) language assessment was originally created at the University of Oregon’s Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS). Its purpose is to improve language-learning outcomes, support excellence in language programs, and enable language credentialing. Avant STAMP 4S is recommended for college credit by the American Council on Education (ACE), the same educational body that has provided credit recommendations to institutions of higher education for College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations, Cambridge Assessments, and ACT subject tests. This provides opportunities for students to earn credit or be placed in higher-level courses to advance their language skills. Universities across the U.S. are recognizing Avant STAMP and creating pathways to higher education for language learners everywhere. The Avant test dates are August 12th at 4pm and August 26th at 4pm.
Learn more about the credit recommendations.The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB) is a recognition from the California State Superintendent of Instruction of graduating high school students who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing, in one or more languages, in addition to English. The SSB is an indicator of accomplishment for future employers and college admissions. It consists of a gold, embossed, seal affixed to the student’s diploma and is reflected on the student’s transcript. or as a separate certificate. Hindi Langauge Program conducts AVANT Language Proficiency Exam. The State Seal of Biliteracy is awarded at the end of a student's third year; however, the requirements for the SSB can be met at any time in high school.
Our upcoming exam is TBD. The test fee is $100.
Learn more about the sealHLP Tuition is $1100
Hindi Bhasha Tuition
Before July/15/2024 is $280
After July/15/2024 is $330
Secure your Child's Spot Today - $50 Early Bird Discount
UCs require 10 credits for Fine Arts, and 5 of those Fine Arts Credits can be met with a Foreign Language Class.
As regards SDUSD specifically, the district has given the following guidance:
Students enrolled in world languages courses at District-approved Independent World Languages Schools (IWLS) may earn graduation credit while enrolled at a District high school in Grades 9 – 12 (per Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations). Two years of the same language are needed – equivalent to the second level of high school instruction. If students complete, at a minimum, a world language level 3-4 course and receive a passing grade, they will meet the SDUSD World Languages graduation requirement.
Per Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, graduation credits can only be earned when the IWLS world languages courses are taken concurrently during the students’ SDUSD high school years. For instance, students taking Hindi 3-4 at the HLP IWLS site while concurrently enrolled at an SDUSD high school (Grades 9-12) will earn two credits for that academic year (provided they passed the course) as well as meet the SDUSD Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Graduation Requirement. However, students enrolled in middle school (Grades 7-8) can still take world language courses at an IWLS site, but graduation credits will not be earned, and the SDUSD LOTE Graduation Requirement will not be met.
Taking a Hindi course at HLP during the students’ middle school years will allow them to be more proficient in the target language and take higher levels of the same language while concurrently enrolled at one of SDUSD’s high schools. If students take a Hindi level 7-8 at HLP while concurrently enrolled at an SDUSD high school site, they will earn two World Languages graduation credits and meet the SDUSD LOTE Graduation Requirement, as well as have the opportunity to apply for the prestigious CA State Seal of Biliteracy.